
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
May 12, 2020- The Murder of Amaud Arbery, featuring Kobina Bantushango
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
This episode features Chairwoman Penny Hess on the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on the African community. Southern Regional Representative of the African People's Socialist Party Kobina Bantushango talks about the lynching of Amaud Arbery.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
May 5, 2020-The Colonial Virus: How COVID-19 is affecting the African community
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
In this episode of "Reparations in Action," we discuss how COVID-19 has impacted the black community, and the African People's Socialist Party's solidarity with the people of Venezuela.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
The Demand for Wall Street to Pay Reparations, Silent effects of COVID-19
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
In this episode of "Reparations in Action," we talk about the other effects on the body of COVID-19, and how the billionaires in this country enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else and the call for them to pay reparations to the Black Power Blueprint.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Bernie Sanders and Parasitic Capitalism
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
In this episode of "Reparations In Action," we discuss Bernie Sanders and the U.S. election, parasitic capitalism, and the People's War.

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
In this episode of "Reparations In Action," we discuss the difference between "institutionalized racism" versus colonialism, the struggle with Bank of America to pay reparations, and the role of white people in the protests against police brutality.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Tear Down Roosevelt, the Imperialist!
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
In this episode of "Reparations in Action" we discuss the continued struggle to tear down colonial statue, what this means in the context of the African anti-colonial struggle, and what white people can do to stand in solidarity with the African revolution. We also discuss the campaign to make Wall Street pay reparations and the recent statement by Lloyds of London acknowledging their role in the enslavement of African people.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
As African community uprisings sweep the globe in response to the intensifying colonial terror and police murders, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement held "Global Day of Action for Reparations" in sixteen cities across the U.S. to mobilize white people to stand in solidarity with Black Power. Hear front-line reports from the day of action. Also, Penny Hess (Chair, African People's Solidarity Committee) and Jesse Nevel (Chair, Uhuru Solidarity) discuss the growing demand for the "defunding of police" and what this means in relationship to the struggle led by the African People's Socialist Party for black community control of the police.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Episode 11: Colonial Virus Sweeps African and Indigenous Communities
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
On today's episode of "Reparations in Action" Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel discuss the spread of COVID-19 among the imprisoned African population and Indigenous concentration camps ("reservations") as well as U.S. military aggression against Venezuela.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Episode 10 - 3/31/2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Jamie Simpson, USM Chair Jesse Nevel, and APSC Chair Penny Hess interview President of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement Kalambayi Andenet on the impact of COVID 19 on the black community.

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Episode 9 - 3/24/2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Jamie Simpson, Jesse Nevel, and Penny Hess talk about coronavirus, the impact it has on the black community, and what you can do to support the people's war against the colonial impact of this virus.