
Friday Mar 18, 2022
The Truth about Russia and Ukraine - Part 2
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel continue an African Internationalist discussion of the history of US and NATO aggression against Russia.

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Take Back the Dome: Report from the Front Lines
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Today, at 3pm ET on Black Power 96. check out a new episode of Reparations in Action that features the Director of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda for the African People's Socialist Party (APSP), Akile Anai, National Director of Organization for the APSP, Chimurenga Selembao and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel providing updates on the continuing struggle to win reparations for African people in St Petersburg, FL by returning all 86 acres of the Tropicana Field baseball stadium. The city of St Petersburg destroyed the once vibrant black community known as the Gas Plant District to build the sports arena in the 1980's. As the first African mayor of St Petersburg begins his term, will this mean reparations for the colonized African working class? How can the struggle for reparations help alleviate the desperate rent hike and housing crisis in St Petersburg and win rent control in the city? What is the role of white people in this struggle? Don't miss this report from the front lines of the struggle against gentrification (aka colonial genocide) under the leadership of the African Revolution.

Friday Feb 25, 2022
The Truth about Ukraine and Russia
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Today at 3 pm ET on Black Power 96 check out a new special episode of Reparations in Action that takes an African Internationalist look at the US imperialist-created crisis between Ukraine and Russia. Don't miss African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman, Penny Hess and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair, Jesse Nevel cutting through the hysteria of US propaganda to reveal the truth that the conflict in Ukraine is a symptom of the "Uneasy Equilibrium" between colonial capitalism and the revolutionary struggle of African and other colonized people for liberation.

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Re-playing Episode 5 of “Reparations in Action: White Lies Shattered" airs Friday, April 9th from 3-4 pm EST on Black Power 96.3 FM, St. Petersburg. This edition features Penny Hess ripping to shreds the white lie that, "It's not about race, it's about class."
Tune to hear the African Internationalist response to this colonizer white left denial of the colonial contradiction as expressed through opportunistic slogans like, "black and white unite and fight," and the historical distortion that says white people were some how “duped” into enslaving and lynching African people.
Episode 5 will look squarely at the vile truth of enthusiastic white complicity with colonial violence through the eyes of the African working class. As Chairman Omali Yeshitela has said, "The real class question is located in the colonial contradiction."
Tune in on UhuruSolidarity.podbean.com, BlackPower96.org, iTunes, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Ask questions or make a comment- RIA@BlackPower96.org. If you like what you hear, please rate this podcast at Apple Podcasts.

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
IN CASE YOU MISSED THIS IMPORTANT EPISODE: Did you know that the city government of St. Petersburg, Florida destroyed a black community in the 1980s?
This episode features interviews with African People's Socialist Party Department of Agitprop director and former St. Petersburg city council candidate Akile Anai (AKA Eritha Akile Cainion), APSP member Themba Tshibanda and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair and former St. Petersburg mayoral candidate Jesse Nevel who help shatter the lie that the city of St. Petersburg is offering economic development to the African community with any of its corporate schemes to redevelop the land at Tropicana Field which was built by destroying the Gas Plant district, the oldest black neighborhood in the city.
Learn about the vibrant history of this once thriving community and the mendacity of a city government and white ruling class that continues to profit from the forced removal of the African population.
This episode explains the goals of the "Reparations Now: Take Back the Dome," campaign led by the Uhuru Movement which is calling for the return of the 86 acres of land under the Tropicana stadium to be returned to the black community as an act of reparations."

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Today at 3pm ET on Reparations in Action, African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess and Uhuru Solidarity Chair Jesse Nevel obliterate the imperial lie that colonial capitalism will solve the climate change crisis.
This African Internationalist analysis of the COP 26 2021 makes clear that colonialism caused the climate crisis and that there can be no end to environmental destruction as long as the system of parasitic capitalism still exploits and oppresses the peoples of the world and the earth itself.

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Don't miss this exclusive interview with African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel who respond to the acquittal of white nationalist vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin as well as the trial of the Ahmaud Arbery's killers in Georgia. This special episode provides an African Internationalist analysis of these events and puts the Rittenhouse acquittal in the context of the anti colonial struggle for Black Power and reparations.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
TyRon Lewis Lives- The Battle of St Pete, 25 Years Later - Part 2: An interview with African People's Socialist Party National Director of Organization, Chimurenga Selemabao.
Tune in for this second part of a special episode summing up the significance of the rebellions of 1996 that emerged in the wake of the police murder of TyRon Lewis. Join us for a conversation with Director Chimurenga Selembao who was at the Uhuru House on November 13th, 1996 when the Battle of St Pete began. Don't miss his first hand account of the police assault on a meeting at the Uhuru House and how the African working class community of St Petersburg rose up in a heroic rebellion that pushed the colonial police out of the black community and delivered a decisive defeat to colonial capitalism.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
The African community of St. Petersburg, FL had been politicized by 30 years of leadership from the Uhuru Movement and rose up in armed resistance to the police and colonial state after TyRon Lewis was shot to death by a white cop on October 24th just blocks away from the Uhuru House. The black community of St Petersburg challenged the police with a fierce armed resistance again on November 13th, 1996 in what has been called the Battle of St. Pete. The November 13th uprising came in response to over 300 armed to the teeth police converging on the Uhuru House ( headquarters of the African People's Socialist Party) and attempting to set the building on fire with incendiary tear gas cannisters while over 100 men women and children were inside for a regular Wednesday night meeting of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement.
The heroic actions of the African working class put out the fire at the Uhuru House and forced an army of colonial police to retreat . Gunshots from the community forced a police helicopter and airplane out of the sky. The Battle of St Pete was an example of serious guerilla warfare on the part of a colonized population that ended in a decisive military and political victory for the African working class and the African Revolution. November 13th, 1996 was a serious defeat for the global system of colonial capitalism that must be upheld by revolutionaries and freedom loving people who support self determination for the African community.
In the era of mass protest and uprisings against police terror that have followed the murder of George Floyd it is critical that we internalize the lessons from this revolutionary victory that led to 8 years of not a single African person being murdered by the police in St Petersburg.
Tune in to this first episode of a two part series on the Battle of St Pete and learn why this city is known as the City of African Resistance

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021